“The contribution of self-efficacy and training of career counsellors to the effective address of obstacles during their professional course”
Maria-Georgia Koumentaki, Anastasios Asvestas
Pages 97 – 110
The purpose of the research was to investigate the views of the job counselors on the role of training (1) in shaping their self-efficacy and (2) in dealing with obstacles during their career path. For this purpose, a quantitative survey was carried out on a sample of 109 job counselors with the distribution of an electronic questionnaire. The job counselors are moderately satisfied with the training programs they have attended so far and reported that the training programs they have attended have helped them in practice to a moderate extent. The findings show that job counselors have a high level of self-efficacy and recognize that participation in training programs is linked to their self-efficacy as well as to dealing with obstacles during their professional career.